City Council & Treasurer

Addressing the Council

Citizens may address the Council during the Oral Communications portion of the meetings and during public hearings. When addressing the Council during the Oral Communications, citizens are asked to approach the podium and state their name and address clearly. Remarks should be kept brief and to the point.

Public hearings are legal, advertised hearings when citizens may address the Council either in support of or in opposition to a specific proposal. This type of meeting is required when certain sections of the Municipal Code are amended, changed, created or deleted; or when the zoning or the major use of a parcel of land is changed.

It is the Council’s responsibility to hear and consider the testimony presented at each meeting. They will then decide on their course of action. Public hearing testimony is restricted to the issues set on the agenda.

During Local Emergencies there may be additional methods to participate in the City's public meetings.

Please visit the City Clerk's page for more information on City Council meetings. 


460 N. Euclid Avenue
Upland, CA 91786
(909) 931-4100

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.