RFPs & Bids
Projects Advertised for Bid
Click here to access the Planet Bids Vendor Portal for the City of Upland.
Upland Today - City Newsletter Redesign
Develop an updated design for the Upland Today News Magazine and Recreation Guide. Bids shall be submitted via PlanetBids before 10:00a.m. on Tuesday, February 11, 2025. Click here to access to the City's Vendor Portal to PlanetBids.
Reservoir R-10, R-11, R-12A & R-13A Overflow Air Gap Installation Project
The City of Upland is soliciting bids for the installation of air gap facility on each of the four reservoirs existing overflow pipe. Bids shall be submitted via PlanetBids before 10:00 a.m. on Monday, January 13, 2025. Click here to access to the City's Vendor Portal to PlanetBids.
Tom Thomas Magnolia Plaza Bid
The City of Upland is soliciting bids for plaza improvements between 2nd and 3rd Avenues along the Pacific Electric Bike Trail in Downtown Upland. Bids shall be submitted via PlanetBids before 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 12, 2024. Click here to access to the City's Vendor Portal to PlanetBids.
RFP - Lexington Street, 1st Ave, & 2nd Ave Pavement Rehabilitation & Utility Improvements
The City of Upland is soliciting bids for the infrastructure improvements along Lexington Street, 1st Ave, & 2nd Ave. Bids shall be submitted via PlanetBids before 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 26, 2024. Click here to access to the City's Vendor Portal to PlanetBids..
Project No. 7345, 9152, Grove Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation & Utility Improvements Project No. 70005, 91001, 14th Street Pavement Rehabilitation & Utility Improvements Request for Proposals for Engineering Design Services.
The City of Upland is requesting proposals from qualified civil engineering firms, licensed in the State of California, for the purpose of entering into a professional consultant services agreement to perform engineering design services in connection with pavement rehabilitation and utility improvements along Grove Avenue, from Foothill Boulevard to north of 15th Street (project No. 7345 & 9152) and 14th Street from Campus Avenue to Grove Avenue (Project No. 70005 & 91001).
Plant 6 CMU Chlorine Building
The City of Upland is soliciting bids for the construction of a CMU Chlorine building at our Plant 6. Bids shall be submitted via PlanetBids before 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April 7, 2025. Click here to access to the City's Vendor Portal to PlanetBids.
Engineering Bids / Projects
To view Engineering projects and bids, please Click Here.
All proposals/bids will become the property of the City of Upland. Upon selection of the successful proposal and before award of the contract, the proposals/bids and supporting documentation will become public record and subject to disclosure, as required by the California Public Records Act.
The City of Upland does not have one central vendor list. We encourage you to keep checking this page for any current projects that may be open. Click here to access to the City's Vendor Portal to PlanetBids.