
Housing FAQs

Housing FAQs

What Affordable Housing Programs are available through the City of Upland?

The City offers the following Affordable Housing Programs for single family dwelling units, condominiums and/or townhomes and manufactured and/or mobile homes:

  • First Time Homebuyer Program-  Provides downpayment assistance in the form of a silent second loan up to thirty percent (30%) of the purchase price of an affordable home, as determined by the City.
  • Home Improvement Program-  Provides a thirty (30) year deferred, zero or three percent interest, loan up to $90,000 for preapproved repairs as determined by the City.
  • Emergency Repair Program-  Provides grants up to $15,000 for emergency repairs and/or code violations corrections as determined by the City.

Who can apply for City sponsored Affordable Housing Programs?

Any legal city resident that meets the income and other program requirements of each affordable housing program is eligible to apply and participate. Certain residency requirements and other conditions apply.

Where can I get an application for an Affordable Housing Program?

Applications for each Affordable Housing Program are available online at the City website or in-person at Upland City Hall, Development Services Department located at 460 N. Euclid Avenue, Upland CA 91786 (909) 931-4300

What is Affordable Housing?

Affordable Housing is a HUD term that refers to the maximum monthly expenditure amount a household should spend for housing/shelter needs. For housing to remain affordable, no more than 30% of the monthly household income should be spent on the household’s housing expense.

What is Section 8 Housing?

Section 8 is a Federal rental subsidy program offered by HUD. Low income residents must apply for Section 8 assistance through the Upland Housing Authority (UHA) not the City of Upland.  The UHA provides all applications and maintains a waiting list of vouchers for assistance.  Wait times are dependent on the vouchers available but typically wait times are several years long.

What is Inclusionary Housing?

Inclusionary housing is a term which refers to municipal and county planning ordinances that require a given share of new construction to be affordable by people with low to moderate incomes; these ordinances seek to counter exclusionary zoning practices, which aim to exclude low-cost housing from a municipality through the zoning code. In practice, these policies involve placing deed restrictions on 10%-30% of new houses or apartments in order to make the cost of the housing affordable to lower-income households. The mix of "affordable housing" and "market-rate" housing in the same neighborhood is seen as beneficial.

Does the City have a rent control ordinance?

The City of Upland does not have a rent control ordinance for single family dwellings or multi-family rental units, however, a rent control mobile home ordinance does exist.

Who do I contact if I have a landlord/tenant dispute or if I felt I have been discriminated against for housing opportunities?

The City of Upland funds the Inland Fair Housing and Mediation Board (IFHMB). IFHMB provides housing counseling services to include renters rights, landlord tenant dispute resolution, first time home buyer housing counseling and housing discrimination advocacy.

Does the General Fund pay for Upland’s Affordable Housing Programs?

No, Upland’s General Fund does not pay for the Affordable Housing Programs offered by City, rather, the City seeks and competes for State and Federal grants earmarked for affordable housing services from the State of California Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD). External funding sources include CDBG, HOME and CALHOME funds.

 Are there affordable rental housing complexes in the City?

Yes, Currently they are 17 affordable rental housing complexes in the City that offer a total of 868 affordable units at the following apartment sites: Coy D’ Estes, Los Olivos, The Village, Sunset Ridge, Magnolia Colony, Parc Claremont, Village Green, Highland Hills, Rancho Lindo, Richland, Ricca Villa, Sycamore Terrace, Northwoods, Arbor Park, Alpine Woods and Ninth Street Terrace.


460 N. Euclid Avenue
Upland, CA 91786
(909) 931-4100

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.