Library Services
The Library offers a range of services to better serve our community as a place of learning and resources.
Upland Public Library’s Children's Services staff provide a wide range of programs and services for the whole family. Programs include:
- Family Storytime
- Wonderful Ones: Baby & Toddler Storytime
- Artsy Tales
- Creation Station
- Not In My House!
Upland Public Library Teen Services provides space, resources and programs for teens to learn and socialize to inspire a love of reading, creativity and learning. Programs include:
- Teen Game Day
- Teen D.I.Y.
- Teen Gardening
- Teen Lab
Adult Literacy Program provides free, private, one-on-one tutoring for adults seeking assistance to learn and/or improve basic reading, writing, computer, and life skills. Adult Literacy provides multiple resources that help literacy students improve their learning and daily life skills.
- Tutoring for the GED or citizenship test.
- Reading and writing improvement
- Comprehension and spelling improvement
- Students are matched with trained volunteer tutors for free one-on-one tutoring.
Upland Public Library Adult Services provides a space to connect to others in the community and activities that inspire creativity, learning and fun. Programs Include:
- Adult Gardening
- Adult Arts and Crafts
- Bookenders
- Grim Readers
- The Internet Made Me Do It
- Outer Reach Reads