Public Works Services

Tax Roll Billing

Utility Payments (Sewer, Storm Drain, and Trash) on the Property Tax Roll Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Why is the City considering changing utility billing to the County tax roll?

Currently, the City of Upland issues multiple utility bills:

  • Trash and Sewer are billed separately every other month.
  • Storm Drain charges are included as a component of the water rate that is billed every other month.

Moving these payments to the San Bernardino County property tax roll is expected to provide several benefits for both ratepayers and the City, including:

  • Guaranteed Revenue Collection: The County ensures payment of charges collected on the tax roll. Under the Teeter Plan, the City will typically receive 100% of utility billings, even if property owners delay or default on their property tax payments.
  • Reduced Administrative Burden: Eliminating separate billing and collections will reduce processing costs and allow City staff to focus on higher-priority financial operations.
  • Improved Efficiency: The Finance Division will still manage annual rate adjustments and required reporting, but staff time previously spent on billing inquiries and collections will be reallocated to other critical city services.
  1. What is the timeline for this transition?

The City Council will review and take action on an ordinance to allow utility payments via the County tax roll:

  • May 12, 2025 – City Council considers the ordinance at the San Bernardino County Tax Roll Hearing
  • June 11, 2025 – If approved, the City initiates the formal legal process.
  • July 1, 2025 – Utility payments for sewer, storm drain, and trash will be included on property tax bills, replacing the previous bi-monthly billing system.
  1. Do other agencies collect utility payments through the County tax roll?

Yes, many agencies in San Bernardino County and throughout California use the property tax roll to collect utility payments due to its efficiency and financial stability.

  1. Which properties will have utility payments collected through the tax roll?

If approved, all residential Upland utility customers will transition to the new billing method starting July 1, 2025.

  1. Who is responsible for paying utility charges on the tax roll?

The property owner is responsible for paying the charges, as they are included in the total property tax bill. Owners with mortgage impound accounts may adjust their set-asides to include this charge.

  1. What if I am a tenant and currently receive a utility bill?

Since January 2024, only property owners can start or maintain utility service in their name.

  • If this change is approved, tenants will no longer receive sewer, storm drain, or trash charges on their City utility bill starting July 1, 2025.
  • Tenants should check with their landlord regarding any rent adjustments.
  1. How will I pay my utility charges if they are collected through the tax roll?

Charges will appear on your San Bernardino County property tax bill as a separate line item. Property owners must pay these charges along with their regular property tax payments.

  1. When will my utility payment be due?

Payments will follow the County’s property tax deadlines. Any late penalties will be assessed by the County Tax Collector.

  1. Will this change increase my utility rates?

No, this change does not increase rates. The City will continue to follow the public notification process for any future rate adjustments.

  1. Will utility charges be tax deductible?

No, these charges are not deductible under federal or state tax laws.

  1. Will I still receive a bill for my water service?

Yes, the City of Upland will continue to bill separately for water service. Only sewer, storm drain, and trash charges will move to the tax roll.

  1. Will this change affect my property tax amount?

No, this does not affect your property tax rate. However, the total amount on your tax bill will increase due to the inclusion of utility charges.

The Auditor/Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector assesses a $0.30 charge per line item on the tax roll that will be added to each of the following charges:

Trash Related Service Charges

Residential Service Level

2025/2026 Rate

Annual Tax Roll Amount 

35-gallon trash barrel



65-gallon trash barrel



95-gallon trash barrel



Extra 35-gallon trash barrel



Extra 65-gallon trash barrel



Extra 95-gallon trash barrel



Sewer Related Service Charges


Monthly Rate Annual Tax Roll Amount
Total Monthly Sewer Service Fee ($/EDU)$37.07$444.84

Storm Drain Related Service Charges

Monthly Rate Annual Tax Roll Amount 

The Storm Drain Utility Fee includes a Uniform Monthly Base Rate Per Parcel, except for those developed with more than one housing unit on a single parcel is $0.90 per month.  For parcels developed with more than one housing unit per parcel, the uniform base rate shall be $0.90 per housing unit per month. 

$0.90/parcel$10.80/housing unit

460 N. Euclid Avenue
Upland, CA 91786
(909) 931-4100

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.